Mason jar candles are beautiful and go great with a country theme! We'll be using mason jars in this recipe , but you can pretty much use any jar or glass as long as the glass isn’t too thin. You'll want to use jars, or glass that can withstand heat. You’ll need to experiment with the wick size but I’ve listed the wick size below that has worked great for me in soy candles made using 8 and 16oz Square Mason Jars. For in depth wick sizing instructions as well as more recipes and techniques,my book "The Soy Candle Making Book" is a must have. Soy Mason jar candles are excellent for … [Read More...]
Want To Learn How To Make Soy Candles?
You've come to the right place! I want to teach you how to make soy candles that burn cleaner, burn 2x longer and smell fabulous!
There are so many great reasons to make soy candles. Want to make your own fragrance and color combos? Sure! Tired of your favorite candles being discontinued? Make your own! Want candles that don't create black soot? Better for your health? Supports farmers? Then soy candle making is a great place to start!
Not Sure Where to Start? Click Here!
Soy Candle Making Recipes

The Fall Soy Pillar Candle Experiment
A few weeks ago I made a soy pillar candle. "But soy wax is too soft for making pillars" you might say..... Not if you use a soy pillar blend wax. The two kinds that come to mind, Ecosoya PB and American Soy Wax P-100, are both made up of mostly soy wax with some vegetable oil additives (or something like that). So, while they aren't 100% soy, they are pretty close to it. I made a couple pillar candles a few months ago after I bought some molds and supplies from Candle Science, and they both turned out pretty well, but this time I wanted to try something different. First of … [Read More...]

How To Make Soy Votive Candles
So you want to learn how to make soy votive candles? Well, it's actually pretty simple and you can do it right in your own kitchen! Soy votives make wonderful gifts for any occasion and it's wonderful when you can make a gift yourself, adding your own fragrance or fragrance blend as a special personal touch. Votives are small and you can make a lovely sampler pack as a gift. For those who are looking to start their own candle business, I have used these same instructions for making my own soy votive candles for my previous business and they were always a big hit! First you'll need a few … [Read More...]

Tilted Layer Candles How To-Candy Cane Christmas Candles
Layered candles are pretty cool, but tilted layer candles take it to a whole new level. You can make many different patterns using this technique, using 2 or more colors and/or fragrances. Every year around Christmas the past few years, my dad orders about a dozen candles from me so he can give them to his coworkers as gifts. There are always several candy cane candles among them and I usually make them as chunk candles. Everyone loves them! This year I decided to try doing tilted layer candles, and not just tilted, but zigzagged. I had ordered a certain amount of Candy Cane fragrance … [Read More...]

Simple Fall Centerpiece Craft-Autumn Candle Decorating Idea
I LOVE Fall! I love Summer too, but around halfway through I am looking forward to Fall and cooler days and nights and all the beautiful colors. I think Fall decorating is probably right up there with Christmas decorating. I don't usually get to do much decorating in my home, but the other day when the boys were at a friends house so I could get a candle making video done, I decided on a whim, to stop over at Hobby Lobby and find some decorations to make a Fall centerpiece. I found some great stuff and Fall decor was 40% off, so that was a huge plus (because I think some of their … [Read More...]

Light Up Your Evening-DIY Floating Candles Centerpiece
There's something about candles floating on the water that gives off a peaceful and even romantic feeling. The flickering flames reflecting on the water, gently floating. Pair that with a creative bowl and maybe some decorative rocks or shells or whatever else you can think of, and you have yourself a lovely centerpiece! So, I tried making these floating candles the other day for the first time, and they turned out really well. One thing though, I used a Votive/Pillar soy wax for these and they didn't burn very long. The votive/pillar blend is a harder wax so the tealight wicks that I used … [Read More...]

How to Make Flameless, Wickless Jar Candles
is very simple. You can use pretty much any jar that can withstand some heat and will fit on a warmer such as Scentsy or any other brand of Candle warmers. I love candles, but I admit, they can be dangerous, especially if you have kids and pets around that could possibly knock over a lit candle. I have an aunt who is married to a fire fighter and he won't allow burning candles in the house! So, with that in mind, at Christmas time I wanted to make some soy candles to give to everyone. So I gave my aunt a plugin tart warmer and some homemade soy tarts (or melts). She loved them! I've already … [Read More...]

How to Make Wax Melts-Soy Wax Tarts-Flameless
Soy wax melts or "tarts" are one kind of wickless/flameless candle. You can use soy wax melts in a tart burner such as Scentsy wickless candles (flameless), or use with a tealight burner (which would not be flameless). They tend to give off a stronger fragrance than candles with wicks. One of the reasons for this is that you can use more fragrance oil in the tarts since you don't have a wick to worry about clogging up. The other reason is that the whole wax melt, melts completely and more quickly, letting out more fragrance than wick candles. So if you don't want a burning flame … [Read More...]

How To Make Soy Tealight Candles- 8 hour tea lights
Today I'm going to show you how to make these wonderful scented soy tealight candles right at home! Tealight candles are excellent for using in your tealight holders whether for weddings or other special occasions. For weddings, you can even leave them uncolored because the natural color of soy wax is a creamy white. You can leave out the fragrance oil and make them unscented, in which case you only need to heat the wax up until it is melted completely since there is no worry about making sure the wax is hot enough to incorporate with the fragrance oil and dye. View the video above to learn … [Read More...]

How To Make Soy Chunk Candles
Want some more awesome soy candle recipes and in depth instruction? Click HERE to learn about"The Soy Candle Making Book" Soy chunk candles are made by filling a glass container with chunks of colored, scented wax, and then poured over with another color/scent that will allow the colored chunks to show through when it is set. These are beautifull candles that make some neat colors when the chunks melt together with the overpour color, as well as mingling both scents together as it melts. How to make soy chunk candles in containers: First what you will need: Sharp knife (like a … [Read More...]